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Close-up of holding smartphone, with fiber optics and cybersecurity background.

July 19, 2024

Cybersecurity Wake-Up Call: AT&T Data Breach

The recent AT&T data breach shows that even big businesses aren’t immune to cyberattacks and highlights the critical need for strong cybersecurity. This incident shows just how risky the digital world can be for businesses and why it’s crucial to always stay vigilant about security. Note: This incident did NOT involve any of OneNeck’s services […]

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Palms & tropical buildings are buffeted by high winds of a typhoon. A physical representation of weathering a cyber attack.
Dentist in medical clinic using a new modern 3D dental scanner on young female patient. The dental practice is protected from cyber threats.
Laptop, phone and hologram of woman for data protection, patch management or cybersecurity programming.
Vulnerability highlighted in red on keyboard to make users aware of ConnectWise vuklnerability
Digital background depicting innovative technologies in security systems, data privacy Internet technologies
dark web hooded hacker security concept
Blue scales with computer ransomware terms.
Concept with icons for CMMC certificate, approval, compliance to requirements. Person using computer.