
Azure SQL Backup

Frequently Asked Questions


Your Azure Backup Questions, Answered.

Azure SQL Backup is a powerful cloud-based solution meticulously crafted by Microsoft Azure to meet the specific needs of SQL Server databases. This innovative service ensures data integrity and availability through automated and manual backups, featuring flexible scheduling options and secure storage in Azure Blob Storage. With capabilities such as point-in-time restores, customizable long-term retention, and robust encryption protocols, Azure SQL Backup caters to a broad spectrum of backup scenarios, from routine data protection to complex disaster recovery plans.

This guide aims to address your FAQs on various aspects of Azure SQL Database, providing in-depth insights into topics such as backup frequency, encryption, cost implications, and seamless integration with pre-existing data strategies. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge needed to proficiently manage and safeguard your data, optimizing your experience with Azure SQL Backup for enhanced data management.

Backup Operations and Frequency

How often can I back up my Azure SQL databases?

By default, full backups are performed weekly, differential backups typically once a day, and transaction log backups approximately every 5-10 minutes. This operation ensures that any changes made to the database are regularly captured, allowing for point-in-time restores.

However, the frequency of backups is adjustable to meet each business’s unique data protection needs. From multiple backups daily to less frequent schedules, the service allows for high customization to align with the rate at which your data changes and your specific recovery objectives. This level of control and default scheduling ensures that businesses can design a backup strategy that effectively balances operational requirements with data protection goals.

Can I control the number of concurrent backups on an SQL Server,
and what are the default settings?

Azure allows users to manage the number of concurrent backups, providing a balance between backup operations and server performance. By default, Azure optimizes the number of concurrent backups based on the server’s capacity and workload to ensure efficient operation without overloading the system.

However, you can adjust these settings in the ExtensionSettingsOverrides.json file for more granular control on your SQL Server instance. This customization lets you tailor backup operations to your specific needs, enhancing efficiency while minimizing any performance impact on your server. This feature is convenient in environments with high transaction volumes or specific performance requirements, allowing for a more tailored backup strategy that aligns with operational demands.

Security and Encryption

Are Azure SQL backups encrypted, and how does Azure Backup handle encryption?

Yes, encryption is a key feature, ensuring data is secure during transmission and at rest using Azure’s built-in encryption services. This functionality includes support for Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), meaning backups remain encrypted throughout their lifecycle. This comprehensive encryption approach is critical for maintaining data confidentiality and compliance with regulatory standards, making it an essential aspect of Azure’s data security commitment. It’s especially vital for organizations handling sensitive data and those needing to adhere to strict data protection regulations. Azure Backup provides robust protection against unauthorized access and potential security breaches by encrypting data at every stage.

So, what about VM encryption? Can databases on VMs also be protected
with Azure Disk Encryption?

Absolutely. Azure Backup provides full support for backing up databases on VMs protected with Azure Disk Encryption (ADE). This capability extends to TDE databases, ensuring they remain secure throughout the backup and restoration processes even when databases are encrypted at the VM level. This feature is particularly crucial for organizations prioritizing VM-level encryption as a critical element of their security strategy, assuring them that their backup data is just as secure as their operational environments.

Retention Policies and Restoration

What is the retention policy for Azure SQL backups, and
how long can backups be retained?

Retention policy is highly customizable, allowing businesses to set backup duration based on their specific business and compliance requirements. Whether for short-term backups to facilitate operational recovery or long-term archival to comply with legal or industry standards, Azure SQL Backup provides the necessary flexibility, meaning retention periods can vary widely, from days for short-term operational needs to years for long-term compliance requirements. This flexibility allows businesses to tailor their backup retention policies to their unique operational objectives and compliance obligations, ensuring that data is available for recovery while adhering to relevant regulations and standards.

Can I perform point-in-time restores with Azure SQL Backup?

Point-in-time restore is a key feature, enabling the restoration of a database to a specific time in the past on the same server. This capability is invaluable in situations like accidental data deletion or corruption, as it minimizes data loss and aids in quick recovery. However, it’s important to note that Azure currently doesn’t support cross-server, cross-subscription, or cross-geo point-in-time restores.

Cost and Efficiency


What is the cost associated with Azure SQL Backup?

Several factors influence cost, including the volume of data backed up, the frequency of backups, and the chosen retention period. Azure’s pricing model is based on actual usage, offering a scalable and flexible approach to pricing, allowing businesses to manage costs effectively by paying only for the resources they use, making Azure SQL Backup a cost-effective solution for companies of varying sizes and needs.

Can I have both VM backup and SQL backup on the same VM?

Azure fully supports both VM-level and SQL-level backups on the same Azure VM. This dual-backup approach is significant for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it ensures comprehensive data protection; VM-level backups capture the entire state of the virtual machine, including the operating system, applications, and data, while SQL-level backups focus specifically on the databases, providing a more granular recovery option. Secondly, Azure’s intelligent management of these backups ensures that SQL Server transaction logs are not truncated by VM-level backups, maintaining the integrity and consistency of the SQL-level backups.

Backup Management and Support

Does Azure provide any built-in support for common backup issues?

Azure offers robust built-in support for addressing common backup challenges through its auto-healing feature in Azure Backup. This feature is particularly adept at automatically resolving issues such as Log Sequence Number Validation Errors and the absence of required full backups before differential or log backups. Auto-healing ensures the integrity and reliability of backups by detecting and rectifying these common errors. For instance, if there’s a gap in the log sequence or a missing full backup, the auto-healing mechanism corrects these issues, ensuring subsequent backups are complete and consistent.

Will Azure provide alerts for the status of every backup?

By default, alerts are only generated for failed backup jobs. However, for a more comprehensive monitoring approach, you can configure Azure Monitor to alert you for successful backups. Adjusting settings in this manner ensures a more complete overview of your backup operations, allowing for proactive management and immediate response to any issues.

Are new databases automatically added for backup?

Azure’s auto-protection feature in Azure VMs allows for automatically including new databases in the backup plan, but it is not enabled by default. Users can enable this feature for their SQL Server instance or Always On availability group under the “Configure Backup for SQL Server in Azure VM” settings. Once enabled, it automatically detects and includes any new databases in the backup schedule, applying the pre-defined backup policy.

How does Azure SQL Backup integrate with my existing
data recovery strategy?

Azure SQL Backup seamlessly integrates with various existing data recovery strategies. It provides automated and manual backup options, allowing you to align Azure backups with your recovery point objectives (RPOs) and recovery time objectives (RTOs). Azure Backup’s compatibility with various tools and services, such as Azure Site Recovery for disaster recovery planning, ensures you can build a comprehensive data protection ecosystem.

Advanced Features and External Options

Does Azure Backup perform checksum operations on data streams?

Azure Backup performs rigorous checksum operations on data streams during backup and restore processes. This checksum validation is a critical step to ensure the integrity and consistency of your data, acting as a verification mechanism to confirm that the data restored matches the data backed up. This process is vital for maintaining data integrity and trust in the backup process, providing an essential safety net against data corruption.

Can I use third-party options for Azure SQL backup, and how do they
compare to Microsoft’s Azure Backup?

Azure Backup is Microsoft’s native service, but it may not always be the best fit for every organization’s needs. As such, Azure supports the use of third-party backup solutions.

Options like Commvault Metallic offer a broad selection of Azure database backups services. These solutions often provide additional capabilities that complement Azure’s native backup, such as enhanced protection against ransomware. Choosing between Azure Backup and third-party solutions like Metallic should be based on an organization’s specific backup and recovery needs, the complexity of its data estate, and cloud initiatives requirements.



Our experienced team specializes in seamless cloud migration services, ensuring your transition to Azure is smooth and secure. With our Azure Cloud Support Services, we offer personalized guidance and robust solutions tailored to your unique business needs. Whether it’s implementing Azure SQL Backup or optimizing your overall cloud strategy, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

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